This holiday home is nestled between towering Karri trees on a steeply sloping bush block just outside of Denmark on WA's south coast. It was conceived as a platform up and among the trees. The internal and external living spaces are arranged in a line to the entire north side of the house. Two generous decks are linked to the living and dining rooms by large sliding doors which in the warmer months can open up to form one large space connected to the surrounding forest.
"...opens up to form one large space connected to the surrounding forest."
A constrained budget meant that the house had to use space as efficiently as possible. The internal floor area has been minimised while the size and location of the decks create a feeling of spaciousness that would not be expected in a 115m2 house. Cost effective materials have been used throughout and great care has been taken keep things clean and simple, allowing the forrest to take a central role in the experience of the house.